Prostate inflammation is one of the most common ailments in urology. Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity prefer to silence this problem and go to a specialist, even when it is impossible for them to endure the pain. There is nothing shameful about prostatitis. A comprehensive treatment of prostatitis and a comprehensive therapeutic approach are necessary. The sooner you start therapy, the better.
The main causes of prostatitis
Inflammatory processes in the prostate occur due to:
- infections when the pathogen enters the blood and spreads throughout the body;
- weakened protective functions of the body, often caused by disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, nutrition, bad habits and chronic stress;
- circulatory disorders due to problems with the heart, nervous system, physical inactivity;
- lack of regular sexual relations, which leads to stagnation;
- alcohol abuse and smoking due to weakened immunity and nervous disorders;
- violation of the basics of proper nutrition, consumption of foods with a high content of concentrates and chemically treated vegetables and fruits;
- phimosis - a pathology in which the head of the penis is not completely open if it was not removed at a young age;
- stones in the prostate, which cause the appearance of inflammatory processes;
- hormonal disorders and pathological abnormalities in the structure of the penis.
The sedentary lifestyle, characteristic of many professions, also causes prostatitis. Drivers and office workers who spend a lot of time on their feet are more susceptible to the disease than men who lead an active lifestyle and are forced to move a lot for work.
Types of prostatitis
Disease of the genitourinary system caused by inflammation of the prostate is classified according to the following criteria:
- The form of the course is acute and chronic. The first is characterized by several symptoms, but man almost always feels discomfort in the pelvic area even when he is at rest, and it can be observed at any age. The symptoms simply cannot be ignored. If the patient does not go to the doctor and tries to cure himself, he becomes chronic. This form is most often observed in representatives of the stronger half over 50 years of age and is practically asymptomatic; It is usually detected during examinations for concomitant ailments.
- Cause of occurrence. Inflammatory processes in the prostate can be different. There are bacterial, infectious, calculous, purulent and congestive prostatitis. Depending on the type, additional therapeutic methods and medications are selected to eliminate the root cause.

The form and cause of the development of prostatitis are identified by laboratory tests prescribed to a man with suspected inflammation of the prostate.
Signs of prostatitis
The clinical picture of prostate disease is quite clear and can rarely be confused with another disease. Men suffering from prostatitis experience:
- pain over pubic bone;
- discomfort in the groin area;
- frequent urination, accompanied by painful sensations during stress and hypothermia;
- sleep disorders;
- erection problems;
- premature ejaculation;
- increased sweating;
- the presence of unusual discharge;
- The body temperature is just over 37 degrees at night.
Therapy is prescribed taking into account the predominant pain, urination or erectile dysfunction and the course of the disease.

Description of an integrated approach to treatment.
Successful treatment of prostatitis depends on the correct approach. The acute form involves undergoing drug treatment and other procedures as necessary. Chronic treatment is more difficult and takes longer.
Key elements of comprehensive treatment
If signs of illness appear, an examination is prescribed for the patient. A laboratory study of prostate secretions, MRI and ultrasound of the organ are performed. Based on the data obtained, therapy is prescribed. Its goal is to eliminate the cause of the disease and relieve the symptoms.

Complex treatment includes a set of measures, each of which requires detailed study:
- medication course. Selected depending on the form of the disease. Infectious diseases require the use of antibacterial drugs and non-infectious, anti-inflammatory drugs, which allow successful symptomatic therapy, as well as the normalization of peristaltic function.
- Boost Immunity. Improving the protective functions of the male body is the basis of successful treatment. The doctor selects immunomodulators (tablets) or local agents (rectal suppositories).
- Physiotherapy. External effects on the pelvic organs play an important role in the treatment of the disease and are an essential part of an integrated approach.
You can't talk about complex therapy without changing your diet and lifestyle. A man suffering from prostatitis needs a proper diet and daily routine.
Antibacterial therapy
Its goal is to relieve the symptoms of the acute form, which appears two days after starting the medication. The selection of medications is carried out by a doctor and the patient must strictly follow all the recommendations given.
The main goal is the death and complete eradication (destruction) of the pathogenic microorganism, avoiding the transition from acute to chronic form. The choice of medications is based on the following principles:
- Determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to different groups of antibiotics, selecting the most effective one.
- The use of drugs with a bactericidal effect to kill pathogenic bacteria.
Antibiotics with bacteriostatic activity are aimed at inhibiting the development and further growth of microorganisms and are therefore not used. Preference is given to macrolides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones, which have a high degree of penetration into the prostate gland.

Physiotherapy and massages.
The impact on the prostate during the chronic course of the disease involves the following procedures:
- electrophoresis;
- ultrasound;
- hot enemas;
- herbal baths;
- ultrahigh frequency;
- hirudotherapy;
- resonance therapy (microwave);
- inductothermy.
For chronic and acute prostatitis, a rectal massage is performed. It can only be performed by a proctologist or urologist. The duration of the course is 10 to 15 procedures. Thanks to physiotherapy, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is stimulated, lymphatic stagnation is eliminated and the outflow of secretions is normalized, the excessive concentration of which causes inflammatory processes.
A set of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis.
Drug therapy involves relieving inflammatory processes and restoring the body's protective functions. Without anti-inflammatories and immunomodulators, the complex of drugs for the successful treatment of prostatitis will not be complete.

Anti-inflammatory medications
Chronic non-infectious prostatitis is treated with medications that relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Anti-inflammatory medications are often prescribed in the form of suppositories. This allows the active ingredient to enter directly into the prostate tissue.
For stagnant processes, bioactive agents that normalize the function of the prostate are most often prescribed. Among popular medicines it is worth highlighting:
- Medication with prostate extract that reduces swelling and relieves inflammation. For the bacterial type, it is prescribed after a course of antibiotics, and for the chronic type, it is taken for a long time to achieve the results described above.
- Candles based on natural extracts. The most popular are products based on propolis, bee waste products, pumpkin seed oil and ichthyol.
The active ingredients of the drugs help to eliminate congestion and normalize prostate trophism.
Medicines to improve immunity.
Pathogenic microorganisms, when they multiply, weaken the immune system, which becomes vulnerable and copes worse with treatment. For it to function fully, the specialist prescribes immunomodulators. Usually a drug with a high zinc content is prescribed, which destroys pathogenic microflora, as well as herbal preparations, for example, echinacea extract.
These medications help prevent periods of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. The listed tablets are usually supplemented with vitamin complexes. They are designed to support the normal functioning of the immune system and help the body better cope with diseases.
When is surgery required?

Unfortunately, complex therapy is not always effective. In the advanced stages of the disease, it is impossible to do without surgery. It is prescribed in the following cases:
- acute abscesses that cannot be removed without surgery;
- urinary obstruction due to narrowing of the urethral canal;
- development of prostate hyperplasia.
An untimely operation in the situations listed above has the most dire consequences, including death.
Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis.
Homeopathy is part of a comprehensive treatment of chronic prostatitis without abandoning medications and other conservative methods. Healing herbs help alleviate and improve illness and also provide valuable nutrients.
Attention!The total duration of treatment with various herbal medicines should not exceed three months. Prolonged use will cause irritation of the mucous membrane.
The plant has a positive effect on the male body and relieves the symptoms of the disease. Regular consumption of nettle improves potency and improves reproductive function. It is prescribed to prevent tumors, reduce the risk of developing cancer and prostate adenoma. The diuretic effect helps men with urinary disorders.
The following types of medicines are prepared from nettle:
- Pour a tablespoon of finely chopped nettle into a glass of vodka, leave for 3 weeks and filter. Take 2 teaspoons three times a day before meals.
- Pour 6 tablespoons of nettle seeds into 0. 5 liters of port wine, boil for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Use 3 times a day.
- Take the ingredients as in the first recipe, but let it rest for 3 weeks, stirring occasionally. Drink 20 ml of tincture every day until it is gone.
- The leaves are brewed as tea and drunk after steeping for 10 minutes. Add a little lemon and honey.
A decoction of the roots can be used in compresses to relieve pain. It is prepared according to the following scheme:
- crushed sea buckthorn and nettle bark are taken in equal proportions;
- mix the components and take 8 grams;
- pour a liter of boiling water, let it rest for 10 minutes in a water bath;
- let it sit for 30 minutes.
This medicine can be drunk a glass 4 times a day and also used as a lotion.
Men suffering from nettle allergies, atherosclerosis, kidney failure, and varicose veins should avoid nettle. People who have problems with the cardiovascular system should exercise caution.

It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic effects. The banana is rich in vitamins, tannins and polysaccharides. For therapeutic purposes, take an infusion of banana leaves:
- Pour a tablespoon of dried leaves into a liter of boiling water.
- Simmer for about 10 minutes.
- Let cool and drink before each meal.
The product should not be used by those suffering from thrombosis, problems of the gastrointestinal tract or individual intolerance.

The medicinal plant is a natural aphrodisiac that has a multifaceted effect on the urinary and reproductive systems. Its use has the following positive effect:
- improves sperm viability and motility;
- increases the production and quality of seminal fluid;
- eliminates inflammatory processes;
- restores hormonal levels;
At different stages of prostatitis, drugs prepared according to the following recipes are used:
- The root is poured with 70 percent alcohol in a ratio of 1: 10. Place in a dark place for 2 weeks. Drink ½ teaspoon three times a day before each meal. The duration of the course is one month.
- Add 2 tablespoons of ground ginseng root to 700 g of natural honey and leave for 7-10 days. Take a tablespoon before going to bed.
Ginseng is contraindicated in hypertension, nervous disorders, high fever, infections, inflammation and treatment with antibiotics. It should not be taken by people under 16 years of age.
Failure to comply with the dosage can cause lack of sleep, allergic reactions, dizziness, headaches, nausea, pressure changes, nervous overexcitation and tachycardia.

The herb has a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It prevents internal bleeding and can be used in the following variations:
- Spa. Take 5 parts of celandine, twine, toadflax, birch, rosehip, speedwell, bearberry, black currant and lilac inflorescences). Add 10 parts oats and sage. Pour boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, pour in water.
- Enemas. Add 12 g of herb (2 tablespoons) to half a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Add 10 parts of dimethyl sulfoxide to the total amount of solution, cool to 40 degrees. The course of treatment is 10 to 15 procedures.
- Infusion. Pour 200 ml of water, in equal portions, the roots of sage and calamus, steam for 30 minutes, drink the product in the morning and evening, dividing it into 2 portions.
Attention! Enemas can only be performed after consulting with your doctor. This is a fairly serious procedure, taking into account the symptoms and course of prostatitis.
Sage is contraindicated in acute nephritis and epileptic seizures. It should not be used if there is a barking cough.

Nutrition and lifestyle
It's not enough to just take a series of prescription medications for prostatitis, you need to radically reconsider your entire exercise routine. It requires a radical overhaul. The success of prostatitis treatment and the prevention of recurring problems in prostate function depend on proper nutrition and a balanced daily routine.
A man must:
- get rid of bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes);
- give up "empty" calories (fast food and unhealthy snacks) in favor of vegetables and fruits;
- Start leading an active lifestyle, visit the gym, pool, go for walks more often and try to spend more time on your feet than driving.
An important factor is mental and mental health. Stressful situations should be avoided both in the family and at work. It is especially important to maintain a sleep schedule. A man needs to sleep at least eight full hours a day.
Prostatitis prevention
To keep the prostate healthy, a man only needs to follow a few simple rules:
- carefully monitor intimate hygiene, following all rules and recommendations;
- avoid hypothermia by dressing carefully and warmly in the cold season, for example, wear woolen underwear;
- have a regular sex life with a regular partner, avoiding short-term relationships;
- Visit a specialist at least twice a year if you have already contracted prostatitis once.
The more correct the lifestyle that a representative of the stronger sex leads, the lower the risk of developing prostatitis.